Avoid property insurance claims at your Atlanta business with fire safety

It's important to be conscious of fire safety at your business.

Fire safety is important for any business.If you’re a business owner, one of your worst nightmares might be a fire striking and burning down your premises. Many small businesses never reopen after a disaster like a fire because the expenses are so high. You have to pay to have the premises rebuilt, plus there’s the lost income you face from the time that you were closed. To avoid a fire-related property insurance claim, check out these fire prevention and preparation tips – they’ll also help you keep your employees safe.

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8 secrets to improving customer loyalty at your Atlanta business

Having a loyal customer base is important for any business.

Having a loyal customer base is important for any business.

As a business owner, your clients are what keep your doors open. You’re proud of your business and the services you provide. But the key to the success of any business, whether it’s a home-based business or a traditional workplace, is developing a strong base of loyal clients, people who will keep coming back and tell all their friends how awesome your business is. Loyal customers are vital because let’s face it – it costs less to keep people coming back than win over new folks. So, we’ve got some tips for keeping your loyal customers lined up at your doors.

1. Step up your customer service game.

Everyone wants to be treated right. It’s nice to feel like the person assisting you genuinely wants to help you and has an interest. Think about what you can do to improve the customer or client experience. Treat clients with respect and kindness, and make that the business standard. Make sure your employees are greeting and bidding farewell to your clients with a smile and warmth. Even the little things make a difference.

Customer service is a must because it can lead to referrals and recommendations, which are worth their weight in gold.

2. Be genuine.

It’s important that the atmosphere of your business is friendly and welcoming. People like likable people, so if your employees are a good mix of upbeat, friendly, and professional, they’ll win over some customers. Make sure that your loyal clientele gets the treatment and attention they deserve. Develop a relationship with your clients.

3. Do some research.

Take a visit to a competitor (or, if you’re an online or service-oriented business, cruise through some websites.) Find out what worked and what didn’t in your overall customer experience. What could have improved your experience? What would have won you over (or what did win you over, despite this business being your archenemy?)

It’s helpful to take a step back and approach customer loyalty from the perspective of a customer, then bring your observations back to your own company.

4. Amp up your employee morale.

Grouchiness is contagious. If your employees aren’t happy, your clients will pick up on it. Upbeat, smiling employees will make your customers happy, and happy people buy more stuff. So, think of what you can do to help your employees be excited to come to work. Another benefit of improving morale at the workplace is lowering the chance of employee theft at your business.

5. Know how to handle unhappiness.

Unfortunately, the world is not perfect. Mistakes happen. Circumstances conspire against you to create an unpleasant experience for a customer. If that happens, you need to be prepared to handle the complaint professionally, calmly, and promptly. Don’t argue. Apologize, validate the concern, and explain what steps you’re going to take to correct the problem.

Sometimes a customer will be so impressed by the way you handle an adverse situation that you can win them back. So, make sure your employees are prepared to handle various scenarios in which a customer gets testy about something (whether the reasons for their grumpiness are valid or not.) Unhappy customers might not be on your business disaster response plan, but everyone should know how to handle that kind of situation.

6. Think ahead.

Learn to anticipate what your customer or client will need so that you can present it with a flourish when they come to realize the need for themselves. Going the extra mile to take care of a customer will never go amiss.

7. Don’t forget your loyal customers when you’re chasing new business.

Yes, chasing after new customers and trying to win people over is tough work, but it’s important that you don’t get so caught up in doting on potential customers that you forget about the customers you already have., Make sure to nurture the relationships your business has with your current customers so that no one feels like chopped liver.

8. Ask how you can help.

Greet people politely and ask how you can help them. Then, make a genuine effort to do so. Take the time to ask how their day is going and have an honest conversation with them. This will help people feel like you see them as human beings and not just money.

Keeping your valued customers coming back can pump life into your business. Maintaining and building a strong base of loyal clients will ensure that you never lack for people visiting your business and enlisting your services. Throw yourself into customer service. Treat people like human beings. Show that you genuinely care and want to help. Take pride in what you do and blow your customers’ expectations out of the water.

Need some business insurance quotes? Atlanta Insurance can help! We can help you save money on your business insurance rates by shopping around for the best possible price for the coverage you need. All you have to do to get started with your business insurance quotes is fill out our online form or call us today.



How to save money on your Atlanta business insurance premium

You can lower your business's insurance premium.

There are a few things you can do to lower your business insurance premium.

It’s no secret that business insurance can get pretty pricey. There are a lot of risks out there that need to be covered, and as a business owner, you might be anxious about the price tag of your insurance. While you know that you need to protect your business and you want to get some peace of mind, you might cringe at the thought of what it will cost – a normal reaction, by the way. However, there are a few things you can do to lower the seemingly astronomical cost of your insurance premium, and we’re prepared to share them.

1. Raise your deductible.

Your deductible is the amount you agree to pay before the insurance company will step in to cover the remaining amount on the bill if you have a claim. For example, if you have a $1000 deductible and a $5000 claim, you would pay $1000 before the insurance company would pay the remaining $4000. A higher deductible means that you have a lower premium and vice versa, so by raising your deductible, you can lower your rates.

Now, you have to consider how much you’re actually able to comfortably pay in the event of a claim. You don’t want to raise it so high that it would be problematic to scrape together the money – you don’t want it to be a burden. So, you have to do a bit of a balancing act.

2. Consider getting a BOP to get a lower premium.

A BOP (business owner’s policy) combines several coverages into a convenient bundle. Sometimes it’s less expensive to purchase insurance this way rather than as separate coverages, so you might want to find out what a BOP covers and see if your business qualifies for one.

If your business qualifies for a BOP, you need to ask yourself if the policy fits your business. Are there coverages included that you don’t actually need? Will you need to add any extra coverages that aren’t included in the BOP? These are both important things to consider. For reference, a BOP typically includes general liability, business interruption, and property insurance.

3. Go shopping.

Not like at the mall. We mean insurance shopping. If you’re making a big purchase, you compare prices and look at several stores to make sure you’re getting the best price, right? The same rule applies to business insurance. Comparing rates can help you be reassured that you’re getting the best price for your business insurance. You can go through a reputable, trustworthy broker to shop for insurance rates. Try to find an agent who’s familiar with your industry and the risks that you face. They’ll be better able to advise you about limits and coverages that you might need. That might include workers’ compensation insurance or employment practices liability insurance, but you may also need other coverages that are more specific to your industry.

4. Do an annual checkup on your insurance.

Your insurance needs may change from one year to the next. To make sure that your insurance coverages still fit your business, you’ll have to review your policies carefully. This is also a good opportunity to see if there are any coverages that overlap or that you don’t need anymore. While you should never sacrifice coverage for the sake of saving cost, it can’t hurt to review your risks and your insurance needs.

5. Lower your risk and get a lower premium.

By reducing risks, we mean doing a few things. You can take measures to increase security. Creating a business disaster plan is another way to reduce risks, as is improving safety – for clients and employees – at your workplace.

There are many advantages to undertaking a risk-reducing campaign.

First, lowering your risks can help you save because insurance companies quote based on the risks they see – the riskier your business, the higher your quote will be. By actively trying to reduce those risks, you could get a lower premium.

Second, lower risk means a lower chance of having a claim. Having claims makes your premium go up, so you can avoid that unpleasant occurrence by lowering your chances of having a claim in the first place.

Third, improving safety and reducing risks could qualify you for a discount on your insurance. It might seem expensive to install something like a security system, but with the insurance discount you now qualify for it could pay for itself very quickly. Be sure to ask your agent about steps you can take to lower your risk and qualify for discounts. Discounts shouldn’t be the only motivating factor though – remember what we said about lower claims meaning lower premiums? In the long run, improved safety and risk management pays off for everyone. Yes, insurance and risk management might seem expensive, but so are claims and lawsuits.

Business insurance is not cheap, but there are ways that your company can reduce your premium. You can raise your deductible, get a BOP, shop around, review your policies, and reduce risk by increasing safety. If you’re inclined to despair about your insurance rates, take a deep breath. Make a plan to implement some of the above strategies. You’ll feel better knowing that you’ve got the insurance situation under control.

Speaking of business insurance, do you want to implement Tip 3 and shop for your business insurance rates? We can help with that! Out agents would love to help you save money on your insurance. All you have to do to get in touch is fill out our business insurance quote form or give us a call today.

How to create a disaster response plan for your Atlanta business

It's important to have a disaster plan for your business.

Many businesses faced with disasters never open again. There are many types of disasters, from big (think hurricanes) to small (minor fire.) But even the less severe disasters come with a deluge of difficulties and problems for a business owner, even if they do have business insurance. It’s important to make sure that you have a plan to cope with a disaster so that your business can survive. Preparation is essential. To help you get ready for a disaster, we’ve got a few tips for planning.

1. Figure out what your risks are.

You can’t plan for something if you don’t know what it is. You need to think of what scenarios are likely to happen to your business, but don’t forget to plan for things that maybe aren’t super likely but are still possible. For example, what would you do if your business was faced with a fire? A severe storm? Flooding? Do you know how to lower your cyber risks? There are a lot of things that need to be planned for because it’s hard to know the odds of a particular disaster hitting your business.

2. Think about how your business would be affected.

What would happen if one of these disasters hit your business? What would you need to do to compensate and adjust? How would you cope with the losses? Would you have to relocate? How would you keep your business going while your facility is out of order?

3. Get some safeguards and procedures in place to lower your risks.

You’ll need to enlist the help of some of your employees and make them the disaster planning team. Their job will be to brainstorm some procedures to help you keep going in the face of a fire or flood. You should come up with some plans and backup plans for how you deal with the disaster situation. That might include figuring out a location that you can work out of while you can’t be in your building and knowing who to call to repair the damage. You should also know how you’re going to notify employees and customers about the situation, and make sure they know how you’ll be in touch.

Your goals should be to protect your customers and employees from risk and maintain customer service by reducing disruption as much as possible. Your procedures should also include steps to protect your facilities and assets – for instance, taking steps to prevent a burglary at your business. It’s also important to lower environmental contamination risks and protect your organization’s brand and reputation.

Be prepared for a number of disasters that could befall your business.

4. Test your disaster procedures.

It’s not just enough to talk the talk. Everyone has to be able to walk the disaster plan. You need to have an idea of how your procedures will unfold in practice. That might mean training your employees about the procedures and making some calls to find out about the feasibility of your plans. You need to make sure that your plan will actually work when it’s time for you to use it.

5. Keep the disaster plan up to date.

You also need to make sure to revise the plan as you need to. Things change. You need to take into account anything that could cause a need for adjustment or change in the disaster plan.

6. Know how to handle an evacuation.

Apart from planning on how to keep your business going when there’s a disaster, you need to know how to get everyone out of your building safely if there’s something like a fire. To do that, you need to…

  • Know when an evacuation is needed.
  • Have a chain of command.
  • Know who’s going to set the evacuation in motion.
  • Post evacuation routes and plans with multiple ways out of the building.
  • Have a place for people to gather so you can take a headcount.
  • Get a list of names and pinpoint the last known location of missing people.
  • Have practices and training.

Having a clear evacuation plan can help you limit injuries and organize the chaos of an emergency. If everyone knows what to do and how to proceed, they’ll be much calmer and safer in the event that they need to clear out of the building.

Make sure to have an evacuation route for your building in case of disaster.

If you have a small business, you need to know how you’re going to cope with a disaster situation. Take some time to think about how you’re going to keep the ship afloat and how you’re going to make everything as smooth as possible. Having a plan and knowing what to do will spare you from a lot of uncertainty when it comes to handling a disaster, and it’ll help your employees and customers feel much less stressed and frustrated with the situation. Being prepared never hurt anyone.

If you need insurance for your business, we would love to help you out with that! We can get you free quotes for your business insurance, including property, general liability, and workers’ comp. All you have to do to get started with getting your insurance is fill out our quote form or give us a call today.